Creative Company to Focus on the Storytelling Arts Discipline

Released on = September 21, 2006, 4:52 am

Press Release Author = Monster Intern

Industry = Media

Press Release Summary = The creative company, Monster Intern, will be focusing
energies on creating a storytelling hub, a community of practice for the
storytelling arts

Press Release Body = The creative company, Monster Intern, has moved from merely
creating artistic works to also encouraging the works of others.

With their website,, the group hopes to encourage those
interested in the storytelling arts to create an online community, in which
storytelling techniques, critiques, and anything related to the discipline, in order
to further strengthen the art-world.

An online forum will soon be developed, in which storytellers of any form (film,
literature, freelance writers, photographers, painters, mimes, etc) can discuss the
art, as well as issues relative to the art (such as free speech, limitations of art,

Essays will be posted on current issues in art, such as the street performer
protocol, abuses and uses of free speech, voice in art, as well as a myriad of other

And, the creative works of the company (short stories, film production, poetry, film
reviews, etc) will still be posted and updated on a regular basis.

Web Site =

Contact Details = 5264 Morris Street Apt 107
Halifax, NS Canada
B3J 1B5

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